
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

{s'mores and melty chocolate}

Where have I been? I don't even have an answer for you. I will do better! I am getting a better grip at balancing this season, and so you will hopefully see the fruit of that soon - instead of wondering where I disappeared to!

Either way, my husband and I spent this past weekend at the Oregon Coast with my family. In part vacation, in part celebrating my maman's (mom's) birthday! I decided to save the "family pics" for my personal blog, but couldn't resist showing some food ventures on this one.

How many times have you roasted marshmellows in your life? Oh, the memories and grand experiences. This time, however, may have been one of the more memorable for me. We finally mastered the art of melting the chocolate. But first....

{digging the pit}

{stopping to take our "classic" photo pose}{first classic attempt at melting the chocolate. just doesn't do the perfect job though.}{...adding a another cracker adds support and also keeps the bottom of the s'more from burning. Then, placing the hot log above the chocolate melts it perfectly!}{ending result: perfection! - roast marshmellow using standard method.} {enjoying the treat while the sun slips away. beautiful.}Do you like to melt the chocolote? If so, how? Or do you just prefer the melting that happens when the chocolate and roasted marshmellow meet?

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