
Sunday, May 2, 2010

{black | white}

I have never (and will never) claim to be a designer or even claim to know what I'm doing.  I do, however, recognize what I like.  Since - forever - my favorite look in home and clothes has been black and white (ok, ok...and a ton of grey!).  I love the classy, chic appearance and love how other colors can pop with the combination.  I had to take note (again) while looking through the ever inspiring Apartment Therapy yesterday.  I don't think I'll ever get tired of this fantastic duo...

note that amazing door....

I know that there's a lot I can do now (as a renter) to decorate to my design preference....but, oh! I'll be so over-joyed to own my own home and really go crazy...(like paint a door, just like that first photo)!

Happy Sunday!

{all photo's via AT}


  1. Of course I love black/white combo...(my wedding).
    It always has and always will work! I want to paint dark gray walls with white moulding! So modern. YES, but so fresh and classic!!!

  2. I'm particularly smitten with black at the moment...dreaming of a dramatic dark entryway!

  3. i love that brick in the kitchen. gorgeous photos!

    xo Alison

  4. W - you've always loved that combo! I loved your wedding. :)

  5. The Next Arrow - I completely agree. Doesn't it make you want to cook! :)

  6. Antiques Diva ~ I agree! Black is so chic right now.

  7. That is absolutely gorgeous... the door I mean. Love it!
