
Monday, September 1, 2008

{happy big day!}

Hello first day of September!! Hello closet...that I'm needing to expand, since it's not only it's a new month, but it's a new season. {hehe}Hello umbrellas...yes - I know I need you since it's now the "rainy" season. Oh, and yes - hellllooo green chair that I dearly want...{no I didn't forget you.}

Happy Monday, Labor Day and first day of September. {sigh...big day!}


  1. Can you believe that it IS Sept 1?It cooled off enough here yesterday that I was able to wear a sweater and jeans! I hope you have this extra day off to enjoy yourself.
    Love Bridget

  2. How adorable! Love the pics :) But I must let you in on a secret. Now that you are an official Seattle-ite, only tourists use umbrellas in Seattle. I know they are so cute, but residents of Seattle don't use them. I know, it is very strange, but that's how it is!! HAHA.

    So, we can always tell peeps who are out-of-towners by whether or not they use umbrellas!! LOL

  3. you know....

    yesterday i was feeling a bit of saddness as i thought about August leaving. Today in Boise it's only supposed to get up to 69. Which i was also sad about because summer just got here (cough cough.. JULY!!!) and now it seems to be leaving early! BUT i must say that i woke up today welcoming September. Fall is beautiful - summer is even better - but oh well, :) Miss you!

  4. Isn't it you that we talked about how much we like umbrellas?? I really do love umbrellas but I live in Boise where it is never needed and you would be looked at kinda funny if you just carried around umbrellas for no apparent reason!! haha
    And yeah im with meg... I really love summer so much that it is kinda hard to get excited for fall... but it can come if it must!
    love you! =)
