
Saturday, July 5, 2008

{independance day in Seattle}

We had a splendid Independance Day! But, it didn't start with celebrating...not really at least. That happened at the end of the day. Anthony and I were invited over to John and Erin's chic loft, for a fun party. There were going to be several people there - some we knew; some we would meet for the first time. Per a request and per an offering, I decided to bring some hors d'oeuvres. Yeah, I get to cook for people! Only thing is that I didn't get started till quite late in the day. BUT, it all turned out (luckily the party wasn't till later), and thankfully I had my husband to help! (Thanks babe!)

So for the food, here's a little "picture documentary"...

It was a fun spread of yummies (including: Artichoke Dip w/ Crudites and chips; Proscuitto-Basil Crostinis; mini quiches: Asparagus & Gruyere, and Italian Sausage & Swiss; Blackberry-Raspberry Cream Cheese Tarts). I made all of these for the first time, and was happy with them all! (Phew). If you're looking for the recipes (collected from various cookbooks, martha stewart and the foodnetwork, check out my kitchen blog by clicking on the following link, Belle.Chic.Cuisine.

As far as the party goes....

Ok. So there were more pictures were taken of the food. haha. I'm so weird.
After eating and hanging for awhile, we headed to the roof top to experience a front row view of the amazing Seattle fireworks over the water. (Thank you - Thank you John and Erin!!!) Someone took a picture of us, so we're hoping to get that soon. (Yes, I forgot the camera downstairs...It was dark, and honestly, I don't think a photo would do the setting justice. Gosh.) It was quite romantic sitting up there with Anthony (after all, it was our first 4th of July)!
OH! I forgot to mention that I got a sad eye infection. Ouch. Anway - I'm sporting glasses for a few days. Joy-Joy.
Hope you all had an amazing Independance Day! Much love from our home to yours!!


  1. Happy "late" 4th of July to you two also! Your food looked tasti-licious!!It honestly made me hungry just looking at the pictures. I'm relieved to know there are at least 2 people in the world who like to take pictures of their creations haha! Love you guys..have a great week. Love..Bridget

  2. I noticed your cute glasses right away! lol TOO cute! Is Anthony enjoying/learning more about cooking?! haha I'm so glad you had a fun 4th! We just went camping w the fam-it was fun. Miss you!

  3. I keep forgetting about this new blog of yours!!! Looks like a fun yummy time Tal! :)
